Monday, 5 September 2016

Summer is over now with dewy mornings; but days still capable of producing a warm glow on exposed limbs. Early Autumn could, quite possibly, be my favourite time of the year, comfortable temperatures, leaves still on the trees and a lower, less fierce sun that casts shadows and lights up subjects from behind and through. Fruits too start to eclipse blooms as points of garden and hedgerow interest, Sloes, berries and hips. 
Rosa 'Frau Dagmar Hastrup'
The vegetable garden is ready for our harvest festival lunch on the 7th, Eleanor and Francesco have discussed a menu and, weather permitting, we will be able to dine outside. Mulberries have already been picked as an addition for a dessert ....there will also be Flower Sprouts, 'Crown Prince' Squash, Purple Carrots, 'Zebrune' Shallots.
3lbs of Mulberries.
I think I find walking across stubble one of the most enjoyable 'perks' of my life here at Barnsley. Stubble means many things to draws a line under summer, gives greater access to the land, holds Snipe and Plovers in Winter and re-awakens ghosts of Blue, Tam, Whistler and Walter,  companions of the past. 'Every dog has it's day' and each corner of a field prompts a particular memory of a past glory, a turn, heart in mouth acceleration, a near miss and the sheer joy of fast dogs being fast.

Walter the Deerhound....a very special, once in a lifetime, dog.

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