Ed's Gallery

All of the pictures in the gallery are taken by Ed' Alderman, who was a gardener here for several years, before gaining a scholarship to work and study at Great Dixter in September 2013

 Dark Hellebore

  Galanthus elwesii

Parrotia Persica

 Forcing Rhubarb

Blue Tit

Geranium Procurrens 

Crown Prince squash, Cheltenham Green Top beetroot, carrot Autumn King, runner bean prize winner!

Apple arch in The Potager

Croquet lawn after scarification

Garlic Chives

Bees on Sedum

Veiw Across Garden Beds 4 and 3

Tall Aconitum, in the Broad Border.

Spider's Web, Morning Dew

 Hibiscus in Flower

 White Alpine Strawberries

 Courgette Flower

 Knot Garden

 Rose Seven Sisters

 Burford Brown Chickens

 Our Chickens!

Echium Vulgare, Vipers Bugloss

Mullein Moth Caterpilla

 A Room With a View

  Arrangement of flowers in the Temple Garden

 Barnsley Crimson Flowered Broad Bean

 Iris Siberica

 Labrunum Arch in Bloom

Astrantia Major

 Croquet Lawn

 Davidia- Hankerchief Tree

Bergenia, Rheum

 Crocus Siberi Tricolour

 Dogs Tooth Violet

Fritillaria Imperialis

 Fritillaria Meleagris

 Frozen Water Feature

 Helleborus Orientalis

Hepatica Blue

Hepatica White

 Tulip Jan Reus- Laburnum

Large White Crocus

 Onion Seedlings

 The Potager

The Potager

Potager Bed of Spinach

Potager Under Snow



Snowdrop Atkinsii

The Broad Border

The hunting lady cloaked in snow

The New Pear Trees

The Temple Garden

Tulip White Triumphator


Variegated Strawberry Plant

Veiw Across Bed One

 Widow Iris Hermodactylus Tuberosus

 Winter Salads

Ajuga Reptans

 Tulip Jan Reus

Chards, Rhubarb Chard and Swiss Fordhook Giant

Comfrey Crug Gold

Crocus Tommasinianus

 Double Snowdrop Galanthus 'Rodmarton'

 Hellebore Orientalis

Lime Trees

Lime Walk Pruned


Parterre Lawn

Rheum Bud

 Salsify Coming into Flower

Smyrnium Perfoliatum Growing Through The Young Foliage of Rose Ispahan

Snow Fall

 Snowy Pleached Lime Walk

Ben Walking His Dog 'Aggy' Over The Snow Paddock

 Tulip Jan Reus

Valley in Barnsley

Varigated Strawberries

Veiw of The Hotel Through The 'Lime Light'

 Viburnum Carlessi

Viola Bowles Black

 Viola Cornuta Pat Kavanagh

Winter Aconites, Eranthis Hyemalis