Sunday, 27 November 2016

We've had a lot of rain over the last few weeks or you would think that? The pond at the top of the field is still very low and although I got loamy hands planting Tulips in Beds 1& 2 the other day; once I'd got past two inches it was dry. At least it's stopped raining and the week ahead is going to begin brighter, colder and drier; leaves too have eased off, allowing us to get bed work done and spread the result of last year's leaves on the borders. 
Another Snowdrop on it's way....Galanthus 'Elwessii', flowering around Christmas time, followed by large grey/green strappy leaves in early Spring. A few clumps around the garden, this particular one in Bed 2, just to the right of the steps as you leave the dining room and enter the garden.
The battle of Barnsley House...'war map'.
"What do you do in the Winter?" A common question and the answer is quite simple.....we direct the garden using the 'dormant' months to make changes that the growing season won't let us. Growing and dormant seasons are both busy periods; but different tasks performed e.g the growing season is a high speed cycle of mow, edge, water, clip; whereas dormant periods are spent moving plants around within the borders, tackling perennial weeds, removing shrubs that have grown out of scale as well as planting bulbs. As can be seen from the potting shed white board above the jobs are varied, all gardeners encouraged to write notes for themselves relating to their jobs which also gives some idea to other team members, it also allows the head gardener to give information such as planting locations of bulbs etc with sketch plans.
Sorbus 'Joseph Rock', a yellow berried Mountain Ash and particular favourite of  Mrs. Verey's planted a few years ago in the Broad Border. Has good orange autumn colour too.
I would also like to welcome Jennifer (Jen') Danbury to Barnsley House, she is at the end of her first month as the new Barnsley House Deputy Head Gardener and we are very happy to have her here. She came to us after five years at  Highgrove where her title was 'Ornamental Gardener (House)'. I'm sure she will bring another layer of experience and knowledge to an already knowledgeable and enthusiastic team, helping us to propel Barnsley House, vibrantly, into the next few years.

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